Monthly Archives: December 2022


About Toronto: The city is located in the southern province of Ontario.  It is the most populous city in Canada & the 4th most populous city in North America.  Toronto is also one of the most diverse immigrant cities in the world. In terms of commerce, Toronto is the commercial capital of Canada, home to […]



About Montreal Montreal is the city located in the southwest and the largest city in the State of Québec.  Not only is the second most populous city in Canada, Montreal is also the city with the second largest number of French-speaking people in the world, after Paris.  Located in the middle of the city is […]



About Vancouver Vancouver is the largest coastal city in the Province of British Columbia.  In terms of population, Vancouver is Canada’s third most populous city, and the most populous in Western Canada. Vancouver is among the most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities in Canada; 52% of the city’s residents have their mother-language not English.  Vancouver […]



ABOUT OTTAWA: When thinking about Ottawa, the Parliament buildings and skating on the Rideau Canal are at the top of the list. But there’s so much more to do in Ottawa than explore government buildings or check out museums. Ottawa is a political and cultural center that caters specifically to the backward. Its downtown is […]